Fuller lips in seconds

It's always the simplest ideas that work the best. Like watching dragons den and going "why didn't I think of that"! The look right now (and for as long as I can remember) is full lips, the pout is everywhere from being plastered on every celebrity to plastered all over Facebook. If you fillers are a bit drastic for you and you don't have time to use a liner and 3 different shades to achieve the illusion of larger lips then this simple gadget maybe worth a try. Do you remember sucking the air out of your plastic drinking beaker as a child so it would stick to your face? (I'm sure I wasn't the only one?!) well the principle with this is the same. Put it over your lips and suck the air out till it creates a vacuum, hold for 10-20secinds and repeat. you feel a slight pull to the lips where the blood is rushing in and this is what gives them the fuller look. Try not to suck too hard or leave on too long as you will get a bruise around your lips like a love bite! The plumping effect can last upto 5hours. Keep in your hand bag to top up on a night out. 💋


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